Monday, July 6, 2009

How to look after goldfish?

How to look after goldfish healthy in an aquarium? Water required for each fish is about ten to twenty gallons. The aquarium tank size and capacity is selected with the number of fish that live in them. A hood on top of the aquarium is necessary for the goldfish has the tendency to jump out of water surface.

Water test kit is needed that measures the chemicals and ph of the water.How to look after goldfish without maintaining correct balance of nitrate and other chemicals? The tap water is not poured directly in to the aquarium. Solutions to remove the harmful chlorine and other chemicals are added to the tap water and then poured in to the aquarium. How to look after goldfish healthy and successful? Clean water and clean environment of the aquarium is very important to maintain the good health of goldfish and keep the goldfish happy.

Gravel used as the bottom layer of the tank allows good bacteria growth makes goldfish healthy. The toxic poops of the goldfish and the uneaten food form sediments at the bottom. How to look after goldfish that creates lot of unclean water? Pumps are used to remove the unwanted sediments without removing the gravel. A clean environment is much more important for goldfish breeding. How to look after goldfish by removing the unwanted materials in the water?

Filters are used to eliminate the toxins in the water of the goldfish aquarium. Natural plants help a healthy environment for the goldfish. Goldfish like to hide behind things, it is recommended to use decorations with lot of holes that help the fish hide. Tank is cleaned once every four weeks. Quarter of the tank water is removed and new clean water of the same temperature of the same quantity is added every seven days.


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